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Post by santhi2012 »

If a lock entry is holding more than 24 hours then what will you do? If another user wants to share that lock but the user using that Locks haven’t released lock he went for holiday what will u do?
Posts: 4

Re: basis

Post by rapolusrikanth »

I think you can unlock the entry by searching with that particular username in SM12.
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Re: basis

Post by rapolusrikanth »

Correct me if iam wrong..
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Re: basis

Post by KCR »

Hey Guys:

Locks set by the update function are maintained by the system until the database change has been processed or terminated prematurely. If a problem is preventing the update, the locks generated by the update records waiting to be processed block the system.

You can identify locks held by update records in the list of lock entries.
a. Note the lock key of the relevant lock entry. Select this entry and choose Details to display the transaction code.
b. Choose transaction SM13 → Update to check whether any unprocessed update records (status init or auto) exist for the user. If you find any unprocessed update records, identify the transaction code and lock key to locate the update record that is holding the lock.
c. Check whether your update server is running correctly. Choose transaction SM51 Position the cursor on the application server on which an update server is running and choose Processes to display the work processes on the update server. If open update records exist and the update is running normally, you should be able to see the update processes changing.

If necessary, start the update server by choosing Tools - CCMS.

However, If a user switches off the PC without first logging off from the SAP System, or if the SAPGUI program is terminated prematurely for some reason, the user may remain logged onto the SAP System. The locks held by the user when the problem occurred are not released because the user is no longer active in the SAP System.

Solution: you can release these locks by logging off the user:

1. Choose transaction SM51 → System Monitoring ® Servers. Display the users of the SAP instance that are specified in the detailed display for the lock entries. To do this, use the User Overview (transaction SM04). Check when the user was last active in the system. If possible, contact the user directly. His or her work will be lost when you log him/her off.
2. If unable to contact the user, you can log off the user in the user overview. The user cannot request the lost locks again, even if he or she logs on again. In this case, he or she must repeat the work carried out on the locked objects.
Cheers.... :D

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