Restricting SPRO to display ?

Moderators: BASIS24x7, Rashed

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Posts: 3

Restricting SPRO to display ?

Post by seshug »


i was wondering whats the solution for the problem mentioned below. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I want to create a role with full/all authorizations but limit the SPRO to only display ad assign it to a user.

What i did is create a role with all authorizations and in the authorization data, changed the object S_TABU_DIS object which is associated to SPRO and as well as many other tcodes to 03(display) option. :?: But this doesn't get me to the point where i want to reach. By doing so, it restricts all the tcodes associated with the S_TABU_DIS object to display only. ( eg., scc4 etc) . Is there a possible way to work around so that we give display to SPRO transaction only and allow scc4 etc transactions in that object to change/display.

Awaiting Your replies.


(Basis Security Consultant).
Posts: 3

Re: Restricting SPRO to display ?

Post by madhusudhan »

the user having full authorizations but u want restrict one object and (some field value) ?

fst click SPRO then hit sm53 note that object (SPRO)

next go to user role checking authorizations in that click find in that paste (SPRO) object it shows that object u can restrict what ever u want like activities display,change....

thank u
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