A very useful information on lock entries ....
If there is a sudden power failures, some of the users update entries might still be locked.
You can check or release the locked entries using transaction SM12.
You can check the lock entries of individual users or key an * at the user name to check all the users lock entries.
The lock entry list shows you the users who is locking the entry, the time when the lock was initiated, the table that was locked as well as the locked records.
If possible, asked the user to logoff first before deleting the locked.entries.
For locking individual transactions code,used SM01. Putting a tick at the Locked columns will prevent allusers from using the transactions code.
To lock individual user goto transactionSU01. Click the Lock/Unlock button.
To lock multiple users (ver 4.6x)
* SU10 - User Maintenance Mass Changes
* click Address
* Execute
* Select all -> untick users you are not changing
* click Transfer
* Select users
* click Lock/Unlock - depending whether you want to Lock or Unlock (Pleasebe careful because once you lock all the users including yourself, youwill not be able to Unlock it.)
RSUSR006 - List of UsersMaster Records Locked Due to Incorrect Logon
List of all Users Locked
* SE16 - Data Browser
* Table -> USR02
* Field -> UFLAG <> 0
In 4.6x, you can used the SAP standard lock/unlockprogram EWULKUSR ortransaction EWZ5.
For 3.0x, you have to write your own ABAP program.