SAP Profiles
SAP profiles are operating system files that contain instance setup information. SAP Systems can consist of one or more instances. Individual setup parameters can be customized to the requirements of each instance. These individual parameters allow you to configure
• The runtime environment of the instance (resources such as main memory size, shared memory, roll size)
• Which services the instance has available (work processes)
• Where other services can be found (database host).
SAP profiles are stored in a special file directory. This directory can be made accessible from all hosts depending on current needs: UNIX systems : /usr/sap//SYS/profile Windows NT systems: \\sapmnt\\sys\profile\ ( = SAP system name and = name of the NT machine on which the global profile directory is physically located) All hosts in an SAP System can access these profiles. It is possible for several R/3 instances to use a single profile simultaneously. Separate profiles are not required for each R/3 instance. You should maintain setup profiles using the Computing Center Management System (CCMS). You should therefore not edit the active profiles directly at operating system level. There are three profiles in SAP
• Start profile
• Default profile
• Instance Profiles
Start Profiles of the Instance
Naming (START) This profile determines how where and under what name the individual R/3 services or process are started. For example it give the location where the Message server.
The processes that can be started include:
1. Application server
2. Message server
3. SNA Gateway
4. System log send demon
5. System log receive demon
To start SAP
To run a program on the local host, place the word ‘ local ’ in front of the relevant parameter value:
Execute_00 = local sapmsesa 53 remove To execute a program on a remote host, place the host name in front of the parameter value. Execute_00 = hs0011 sapmsesa 53 remove You can choose any name for a start profile. The start profile files generated by SAP are structured as follows: START_ or START__ . START_DVEBMGS53,
START_DVEBMGS53_hs0311 To start the same SAP service processes on several hosts, you can use a single start profile. Each SAP instance does not have to have its own start profile.
Default Profile (default.pfl)
Only one copy of the profile exist in the R/3 System and it contain setting that apply to the entire system.
Parameter Definition Parameter Name in Profile
Name of the database host SAPDBHOST
Name of the update server rdisp/vbname
Name of the enqueue server rdisp/enqname
Name of the server for handling background processing events rdisp/btcname
Name of the computer on which the message server is running rdisp/msname
Name of the TCP service under which the message server can be reached rdisp/msserv
This profile is read first by R/3 instance in the system when it started.
You cannot choose a name for the default profile. It is always called DEFAULT.PFL
The default profile, like all other profiles, is located in the global profile directory of the SAP System. For example, under UNIX it is located in the directory
/usr/sap//SYS/profile (SAP System name). There is always one active default profile.
Default profiles are also called system profiles.
Instance Profile
The instance profile defines the parameters and options for and instance R11DVEBMGS00shailesh
This profile determine how many work process of a particular type are started. An important part of this instance profile sis that definition of the size of the main memory areas of the R/3 System. The profile also contains settings of logon parameters and log size.
They also define the available instance resources (main memory, shared memory, roll memory and so on), and how to allocate memory to the SAP application buffers.
To start application servers on several computers using identical parameter settings, you can use a single instance profile. It is generally not necessary for each application server to have its own instance profile. Instance profiles are also called system profiles.
Note: The profiles are placed in a global file directory so as to have access from every client in the system.
When system start it first read Start Profile then default profile and then instance profile
We can add same parameter and values in all three profiles but the first preference is give in the order first Instance profile then default profile and then Start profile.