Here are some good quries with solution,this would be much help to you,go through the following
1.what is meant by audit information system
Definitions : The Audit Information System (AIS) is designed for the system and business audits and will
likely be requested to be run by internal or external auditors. It puts into one place many of
the R/3 security tools. The center of the AIS is the Audit report tree. AIS uses standard R/3
reports and transactions to conduct the review and is a standard component in Release 4.6A.
However, you can import the AIS into your system back to Release 3.0D or higher. AIS also
provides an interface to export data to an external auditing system that analyzes financial
Why : Auditors examine the results of automated and manual financial and system procedures to
ensure that there is a checks-and-balances infrastructure to prevent fraud, etc. AIS enables
the auditors to test transactions and run reports during the inspection.
How : There are two ways to conduct an audit:
1. Complete
2. User defined
2. what is difference between addon, plugins & patches?
a.) Addons : SAP offers a wide range of add-ons that you can use to enhance your standard SAP System. These add-ons can be Industry Solutions, plug-ins, or customer-specific development projects.
b.) Plugins : A plugin (plug-in, addin, add-in, addon, or add-on) is a computer program that interacts with a host application (a web browser or an email client, for example) to provide a certain, usually very specific, function "on demand". Applications support plugins for many reasons. Some of the main reasons include: enabling third-party developers to create capabilities to extend an application, to support features yet unforeseen, reducing the size of an application, and separating source code from an application because of incompatible software licenses.
c.) Patches : A patch can be an upgrade (adding increased features), a bug fix, a new hardware driver or update to address new issues such as security or stability problems.ypically, a patch can be installed over the top of an existing program, but again this will depend on the supplier and the nature of the patch.
A Support Package corrects errors in the SAP System or makes necessary adjustments, for
example, due to legal changes. The objects affected are replaced in your system.
Each Support Package is valid for only one release (but for all databases and operating systems)
and requires an exactly defined number of predecessors. The upgrade of the following release or
correction release contains all the Support Packages of the previous versions that were available
up to the delivery of the upgrade.
SPAM makes sure that Support Packages are imported only in the specified order.
To prevent errors from occurring, you should import every Support Package as soon as it
becomes available. This keeps your system up-to-date.
* SAINT is the t-code used to apply Plug-ins and Add-ons
* SPAM is used to apply a patch.
* Patches need to be updated one after the other in sequential manner,since the 2nd is based on the 1st patch,and before udating the patches the Support Package Manager has to update to the latest version which can be done from any version to the latest version directly without any sequential Manner.
3.Difference between client transport & remote client copy?
A.)client transport :
The client copier can copy a client into another system, which can be on a different platform. You can change the client number.
You are no longer required to transport clients before you can copy them between systems. You can make a remote copy instead. You may still want to use the transport tool for the following reasons:
· There is no LAN connection.
· The data is to be buffered.
So the transport functionality is still supported.
1. Client export (SCC8) :
1. Choose Administration ® System administration ® Administration ® Client admin. ® Client transport ® Client export.
2. Select a copy profile.
Up to three transport requests are created, depending on the selected copy profile and the existing data. The transport request for texts is e.g. only created if the source client contains customer texts.
Transport Request Description :
1.<sid>KO<no> : cross-client data
2.<sid>KT<no> : client-specific data
3.<sid>KX<no> : texts and forms
The data export is performed automatically asynchronously. The output of the export includes the names of the transport requests that are to be imported.
Caution : The data export is asynchronous and still runs if SCC8 has already finished. Do not run any other client copy tool before the data export is finished. You can check the status of the export with the transaction SE01. Display the logs for the request <sid>KT<no>.
2. Import transport requests into the target client (STMS)
Choose one of the transport requests of the client transport in the Transport Management System (TMS). The other transport requests belonging to this client transport are then automatically added in the correct order.
Import these transport requests into the target client.
3. client import postprocessing (SCC7)
You need to perform postprocessing activities to adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data.
Choose Administration ® System administration ® Administration ® Client admin. ® Client transport ® Import editing.
Remote Client Copy :
We use this method to copy the client online without the downtime,everything happens online in this process.To do a remote client copy,RFC connection must be established between the Target System and the Source System.
GOTO Tools--> Administration--> Administration-> Client Administration--> Clent Copy-->Remote Copy
Alternatively u can use the Transaction Code SCC9
Before the actual aopy,test the RFC connection using the RFC system check button on the application toolbar.In addition to testing the connection,the R/3 system releases are also checked,since client copy is meaningful if we do in two similar system.
Click the execute button to start the process of copying.
4.What is core file control file?
A.)The Control file is important piece of the Database,this file contains the schema of the database;names,location,status and states of the all the data files and online redo log Files.The control file is essential for the normal operation of the database.As part of the database startup procedure,Oracle reads the control file to locate the data files and online log files.If the control files is lost due to a media failure, a new control file can be created.If you have only one copy and lose is,it will be almost impossible to recover the database up to the final consistent state,hence atleast three copies of the control file is maintained each on a seperate disk.The parameter that sets the control file location is control_files.
Example :
control_files = (?/dbs/cntrl<SID>.dbf,
?/sapdata1/cntrl/crtl/crtl<SID>.dbf, ?/sapdata2/cntrl/crtl/crtl<SID>.dbf)
5.What is meant by extension set? Extension set 1 extension set 2?
Are these any type of files or what
A.)As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set 1.10, you can implement certain functions flexibly.
SAP R/3 Enterprise consists of the SAP R/3 Enterprise Core and the SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set,
which is automatically installed when you upgrade to or install SAP R/3 Enterprise.
This Extension Set contains several components (SAP R/3 Enterprise Extensions and other components),in which new functions are delivered.
To use the functions of the components of the SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set, you activate a switchfor the relevant component. You can therefore specifically implement only those components that you want to use.Activating a switch for a specific component does not configure any commercial processes. It createstechnical settings that enable you to use the functions in the activated components of the SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set.
Effects on System Administration :You can only use the functions in the components of the SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set if you have previously set the activation switch for the corresponding components under Activation Switch for SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set.
Effects on Customizing : Activating the switch for a component under Activation Switch for SAP R/3 Enterprise Extension Set can lead to automatically generated enhancements to the following structure types:
o Menu
o Implementation Guide (IMG)
o Application component hierarchy
This is not any file type but the versions of the SAP.
6. How will you develop global profile directory in a shared file system?
A.) When you first install an SAP System, upgrade to a new SAP release or add a new application server, the system automatically generates or updates SAP instance profiles at operating system level. Unfortunately, the installation program cannot save these profiles directly to the database. You must therefore import the SAP instance profiles before you can then edited them.
You can import profiles at any time, not only when you change profiles for the first time. You can also use the CCMS profile maintenance tool to generate a new operating system copy of all the active profiles that are currently in the profile maintenance database.
Ensure that all application servers (instances) are active before you import profiles.
Procedures :
To import SAP profiles from all active application servers (mass import):
1. Call the CCMS profile maintenance tool by choosing CCMS
2. ® Configuration ® Profile Maintenance. Alternatively, call Transaction RZ10. Choose Utilities
® Import profiles ® of active servers. The system imports the default profile and all start and instance profiles that are used by the SAP instances. The system checks the profiles and displays a log. The names of the profiles in the database are taken from the corresponding file names on the operating system.
Note : If you import the instance profile /usr/sap/C11/SYS/profile/C11_D53, then the profile in the database will be called C11_D53.
3. Once you have finished importing the profiles, position the cursor on the Profile field and press
F4 . The system displays the names of the profiles that were imported.
To import individual profiles:
Note : You should use this function if you have installed a new application server, or if a profile was modified at the operating system level. You must first create a new profile using the profile maintenance function.
1. On the initial screen of Transaction RZ10, enter the profile name (the version number is generated automatically).
Profile type and status now appear on the screen for your information.
2. Choose Profile
3. ® Create. Maintain the administration data: Short description, the file name in which the profile should be activated (you must specify a reference server and profile type).
4. Once the administration data has been transferred, choose Profile
5. ® Import on the basic profile maintenance screen. The system displays a dialog box in which you should specify the operating system file into which the profile should be imported. You can display all the profile files which are in the global profile directory using the
F4 key.
The system checks the imported profile for errors. You can now edit and/or import the profile into the database as described above. Once the import process is complete, you can decide whether you want to activate the profile.
7. Wht is meant by release notes?is release notes & snote are same
Release Note :
Release notes describe the new functions and changes in each SAP release. Using the Help menu, you can display release notes for any SAP application and release. You can also search for release notes using keywords and attributes.
Whenever you receive a new SAP release, you should review the release notes. The release notes describe new functions that may affect the task you perform in the system. They also describe how to change Customizing and installation parameters before upgrading from one SAP release to another.
You can display release notes in the SAP Library or from within the SAP System.
To display release notes in the SAP System, proceed as follows:
1. From the menu, choose Help
® Release notes.
The Find Release Notes screen appears.
2. For a list of all release notes, choose Complete list 3.0/3.1 or Complete list from 4.0.
3. Highlight the release notes for the SAP version you want to see, and choose Choose.
A hierarchical list of the available release notes appears, with plus signs [+] to the left of every item that has sublists.
4. Display one of the release note sublists by double-clicking it.
The sublist appears, containing release notes, more sublists, or both. You can identify a set of release notes by the fact that no plus or minus sign appears to the left of it.
5. Repeat step 3 until you see the desired release notes.
6. Double-click the release notes you want to display.
The release notes appear. To print the selected release notes, choose Print.
Searching for Release Notes
You can search for release notes by keyword or by attribute.
A keyword is a term associated with a release note, such as "Purchasing" for release notes in purchasing.
An attribute refers to the type of information the release note contains. You can narrow the search for release notes by choosing the attributes of the release notes you want to display. For example, a release note has the attribute Changes to Customizing parameters if the new function requires a change in your system’s Customizing parameters. Thus, if you want to display all release notes requiring a change to Customizing, you can list all release notes with this attribute.
To search for release notes:
1. From the menu bar, choose Help
2. ® Release notes. To search by keyword, choose Full text search.
3. To search for release notes that contain only a certain type of information, choose Attribute search.
4. Enter your search criteria (keywords or attributes).
5. Choose Find.
The system displays any release notes that match your search criteria.
Leaving content frame
SNote :
The Note Assistant (transaction SNOTE) helps you when working with SAP Notes. You can use it to load SAP Notes into your system from the SAP Service Marketplace or SAPNet - R/3 Frontend.
After you have loaded the SAP Notes you need into your system, you can automatically implement the corrections (correction instructions) contained in the notes into your system.
The Note Assistant includes the following functions:
· Reporting
You can display an overview of all existing SAP Notes and their processing status, as well as all implemented corrections.
· Project Administration
You can assign SAP Notes to users who then specify a processing status for the notes. The system informs you if an SAP Note has an inconsistent status.
· Logging
The system logs all processing steps.
· Correcting Errors
You can automatically implement the corrections (correction instructions) contained in SAP Notes into your system.
· Integration
When you import a Support Package or upgrade, the system automatically recognizes which notes have been implemented by an imported Support Package or new upgrade, and which correction instructions still need to be implemented.
· Your worklist contains SAP Notes in the following categories:
· SAP Notes that are assigned to you as a user.
· All SAP Notes that are inconsistent, even if they are assigned to another user.
· New SAP Notes that are not yet being processed.
· Choose Download SAP Note to download Notes using an RFC connection. You can also load SAP Notes from the SAP Service Marketplace and then perform an Upload.
· You can use the Note Browser to find any SAP Note that is available in the system.
· Choose Note Display to read through the Note and see the changes.
· Choose Check Note to check the Implementation Status.
· You can classify the SAP Note and specify the processing status.
· You can implement the correction instructions that are contained in the Note and then remove them if necessary.
· In the Log, you can display the processing steps and add your own comments.
· By choosing Corrected Objects, you can switch to the modification browser, where you can see all the objects that have been corrected by an SAP Note.
· After you have imported a Support Package, you can use the Modification Assistant to perform follow-up activities.
· You choose Download Latest Version of SAP Note to compare the version of the SAP Notes that are in your system with the latest version of the SAP Notes in the SAPNet – R/3 Frontend. If a newer version of the SAP Note is available, the system downloads it.
*SNOTE is a program which need to added to the SAP,which makes changes to only that program but to other.
8..Types of job status?
A.) The status of a background job can signify six different conditions, as explained in the table below.
Job Status - Explanation
Planned : Steps that make up the job have already been defined, but the start condition has not yet been defined.
Released : The job has been fully defined, including a start condition. Without a start condition, a job cannot be released.
Only an administrator or a user with appropriate authorizations for background processing can release a job, preventing unauthorized users from running jobs without approval.
Ready : The start condition of a released job has been met. A job scheduler has put the job in line to wait for an available background work process.
Active : The job is currently running. Active jobs can no longer be modified or deleted.
Finished : All steps that make up this job have completed successfully.
Canceled : The job has terminated abnormally. This can happen in two ways:
* An administrator intentionally terminates a job with
Transaction SM37, Job ® Cancel active job
* A job step contains a program that produces an error, such as:
# an E or A error message in an ABAP program
# a failure return code from an external SAPXPG program
9..wht are the dynamic parameters for a system?
A.) A dynamic parameter specification is used in JDBC in the statement text of a java.sql.PreparedStatement as parameter marker. In Structure linkSQLJ, Structure linkhost expressions are used instead of dynamic parameter specifications. They can be used anywhere where a dynamic parameters specification is allowed by the Open SQL grammar.
Syntax : <dynamic> ::= '?'
| <host>.
<host> ::= SQLJ host expression as described(Development Manual)
Open SQL allows the use of the <dynamic>:
1. as the right side of a comparison,
2. as the <update> that is contained in an <update>,
3. as a value in the VALUES clause of an <insert>,
4. as a test value in an <in>,
5. as lower or upper test value in a <between>,
6. as <pattern> or <escape> of a <like>.
10.wht type of parameter is audit log configuration belongs to?
A.)The Security Audit Log is a tool designed for auditors who need to take a detailed look at what occurs in the SAP System. By activating the audit log, you keep a record of those activities you consider relevant for auditing. You can then access this information for evaluation in the form of an audit analysis repor
Maintaining Static Profiles :
You specify the information you want to audit in filters that you can either:
1. Create and save permanently in the database in static profiles.
If you use this option, all of the application servers use identical filters for determining which events should be recorded in the audit log. You only have to define filters once for all application servers.
You can also define several different profiles that you can alternatively activate.
2. Change dynamically on one or more application servers.
With this option, you can dynamically change the filters used for selecting events to audit. The system distributes these changes to all active application servers.
This topic concentrates on permanently saving filters in static profiles in the database. For information on changing the filters dynamically, see Changing Filters Dynamically.
11.wht are the tabs we have to look after in st03 tcode?
A.) The workload monitor (transaction ST03N) is intended for use by EarlyWatch and GoingLive teams. The workload monitor was reworked as part of the EnjoySAP initiative, so that the Workload Overview is now simpler and more intuitive.
You use the workload monitor to analyze statistical data from the SAP kernel. When analyzing the performance of a system, you should normally start by analyzing the workload overview. For example, you can display the totals for all instances and the compare the performances of individual instances over specific periods of time. You can quickly determine the source of possible performance problems using the large number of analysis views and the determined data.
You can use the workload monitor to display the:
* Number of configured instances for each SAP R/3 System
* Number of users working on the different instances
* Distribution of response times
* Distribution of workload by transaction steps, transactions, packages, subapplications, and applications
* Transactions with the highest response time and database time
* Memory usage for each transaction or each user per dialog step
* Workload through RFC, listed by transactions, function modules and destinations
* Number and volume of spool requests
* Statistics about response time distributeion, with or without the GUI time
* Optional: Table accesses
* Workload and transactions used listed by users, payroll number, and client
* Workload generated by requests from external systems
For all of this data:
* You can display the data for a particular instance (not only the one to which your logged on) or optionally totalled for all instances.
* Depending on your user mode, you can choose the time period for which you want to display the data between day, week and month (or determine the length of time yourself using the
* Last Minutes’ Load function). For most analysis views, you can display all or only certain task types.
The workload monitor completely replaces the old ST03 transaction.
The workload monitor has an interface that is divided into two parts. Use the tree structures on the left of the screen to make the following settings:
* Select the
* user mode Select the time period for which you want to display the workload
* Select various functions and analysis views (which data you want to display).
12.can anyone explain me about batch input jobs?
A. The Batch Input administrator transfers data to the SAP System based on the 'batch input' transfer technology. The data transfer process comprises two steps:
The administrator uses a data transfer program to import the external data into the SAP System and store it there as a batch input session.
The administrator runs the batch input session to distribute the data to the relevant database tables of the application.
To do this, the administrator needs authorization to call up the following transactions:
* SM35 Batch Input Monitoring
* SM35P Batch Input: Log Monitoring
* SHDB Transaction Recorder (Record Batch Input)
The tasks of an administrator are as follows:
* Running (starting) batch input sessions in the background. This requires the authorization to define and schedule batch jobs (see Basis: Batch Administrator role).
* Monitoring data transfer and handling errors
o Evaluating batch input logs
o Analysing batch input sessions
o Running sessions with errors online and correcting the transactions that contain errors. This requires the relevant transaction authorization in each application.
o Releasing terminated sessions
* Managing data transfer
o Locking batch input sessions
o Reorganising batch input sessions and logs
o Archiving batch input logs
o Archiving batch input sessions and logs no longer needed
* Creating/testing data transfer programs using the Transaction Recorder
o Creating batch input programs
o Creating batch input sessions
o Creating test data
Best Regards,