Hello everyone, It is very important that one should know what are important and what are not important in each and every aspect eg:
For a basis guy its DBA stuff.
So I came with this post.
This post comes in parts and provides information about Oracle features and tools that are not used at all in the SAP standard system or whose use is restricted in the SAP standard system. If you want to use a feature that does not appear in this list, log a customer message with SAP.
According to the SAP NOTE:105047, information mentioned below, are only restricted or are no longer supported at all, you should determine in which context the feature is used and to what extent you actually require this usage.
1. Advanced Security Option (ASO)
o Can be used for a pilot project (see Note 973450).
2. Audit vault
o Cannot be used.
3. Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
o Usage with Oracle 10g is not allowed.
o The usage of ASM in the SAP environment for Oracle 11 is planned.
4. BIGFILE Tablespace
o Cannot be used.
5. Block Change Tracking (10g or higher)
o Can be used (Note 964619).
6. Change Data Capture (CDC)
o Cannot be used.
7. Configuration Support Manager (CSM)
o Its use is not supported (Note 1032636).
8. Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
o Not permitted to use DBCA to create a database.
9. Database Vault
o Cannot be used.
10. DB_BLOCK_SIZE different from 8 KB
o Block sizes smaller than 8 KB are not allowed.
o An Oracle block size greater than 8 KB can only be used if approved
by SAP; the disadvantages of using larger block sizes include an
increased demand for buffer pool memory and an increased volume of
I/O data.
o You can replace multiple block sizes after an explicit approval by SAP Support (however: BR*TOOLS <= 6.40 may return errors such as R286W/BR0286W; there is no explicit support by SAP monitoring transactions and remote services.
o You can request approval by logging a customer message with SAP.
Thanks & regards