ADoW = Application Delivery Over WAN
BSP = Business Server Page
CAF = SAP Composite Application Framework (CAF)
CBS = Component Build Service
CI = Central Instance
CM = Content Management
CMS = Change Management Server (CMS in non-SAP world is Content Management System)
DC = Development Component
DI = Dialog Instance
DQE = Distributed Query Engine
DSM = Distributed Session Management
DTR = Design Time Repository
ENQ = Enqueue Server
EP = Enterprise Portal
EPCF = Enterprise Portal Client Framework
EPCM = Enterprise Portal Client Manager
ESA = Enterprise Service Architecture (SAP implementation of SOA)
HTMLB = HTML-Business
IRJ = iView Runtime Java
JCO = SAP Java Connector
JDI = Java Developer Infrastructure
JRA = Java Resource Adapter (JCA implementation of JCO)
KM = Knowledge Management
KMC = Knowledge Management and Collaboration
MSG = Message Server
NW = NetWeaver
NW04 = NetWeaver 2004 (WAS 6.40)
NW04S = NetWeaver 2004 mySap Business Suite Edition (WAS 7.00)
NWDI = NetWeaver Developer Infrastructure
NWDS = NetWeaver Developer Studio
OBN = Object Based Navigation
PAM = Product Availability Matrix
PAR = Portal Archive
PCD =Portal Content Directory
PDK = Portal Development Kit
POM = Portal Object Model
PRT= Portal Runtime
RTC = RealTime Collaboration
SC = Software Component
SCA = Software Component Archive
SCS = SAP Central Services
SDA = Software Delivery Archive
SDM = Software Deployment Manager
SLD = System Landscape Directory
SNC = Secure Network Communications
SP = Support Package
SPS = Support Package Stack
TREX = Text Retrieval and Information Extraction
UME = User Management Engine
WAS = Web Application Server
WD = WebDynpro
WDA = Webdynpro ABAP
WDJ = Webdynpro Java
xAPP = Cross application