Search found 11 matches

by srinu5
Forum: User Administration Forum
Topic: why we need solution manager in sap ennvironmenent?
Replies: 3
Views: 5545

why we need solution manager in sap ennvironmenent?

is any difference between solution manager concept in sap level and non sap level ?
by srinu5
Forum: General Basis Forum
Topic: common directory
Replies: 0
Views: 4574

common directory

how to create common transport directory?

why we need to create common transport directory?
what's the difference normal tranport system and common directory?
by srinu5
Forum: User Administration Forum
Topic: centralize mantaince
Replies: 1
Views: 5457

centralize mantaince

hi , is any possible to create common transport directrory at the time of installation or after installation? i know solution manager can maintain the centralize administration and all the activites. what's the difference between solution manager and common tranport directory? *Is any possible centr...
by srinu5
Forum: User Administration Forum
Topic: common directory
Replies: 2
Views: 4924

common directory

how to create common transport directory in sap level?
why we need to create common transport directory?
by srinu5
Forum: CCMS Forum
Topic: solution manager
Replies: 0
Views: 4903

solution manager

hi sir,
if you don't mind can you tell the solution manager environment ?

am I intsall solman in one box can you see all abap,hr mm.pp,sd realeated things in one box?
any differrence between o.s level centralize administration and sap level centralize adminstration in one box?
by srinu5
Forum: CCMS Forum
Topic: hit ratio promblem
Replies: 1
Views: 4105

hit ratio promblem

while hitining the transtaction in the database dbo2 and refresh it .
showing lessthan 95% why?
by srinu5
Forum: CCMS Forum
Topic: o.s user level administrator and sap level user level adm?
Replies: 0
Views: 4968

o.s user level administrator and sap level user level adm?

what's the difference between o.s level user adminstrator and sap level user administrator level?
by srinu5
Forum: General Basis Forum
Topic: network problem
Replies: 1
Views: 3613

network problem

hi sir,

in command prompt: I gave net view command,it shows every time there is no connectivity and give some error.

is it operating system(tcp/ip adress problem) and or SAP installion problem?
by srinu5
Forum: General Basis Forum
Topic: logon problem
Replies: 2
Views: 4259

logon problem

hi sir,
while logon in the standlone sytem and network system shows connection failure & give some error.
would you tell sir what problem it is ?
by srinu5
Forum: User Administration Forum
Topic: user creation
Replies: 4
Views: 5451

user creation

hi sir

can we create at a time 10 users with same password and different ID'S ?