Printer Installation - Access method description

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Printer Installation - Access method description

Post by sanjaykhatri »

Spool: Host spool system access method
Specifies how the spool work process transfers data to the host spool system for this printer.

If the spool work process for this printer is running on the host system you specified for Computer name, choose from the following:

Enter C if the spool server is running on a Microsoft Windows NT server and requests for this printer are to be transferred to the local Windows NT Print Manager.

Enter E if the printer is connected through an external output management system (OMS).

Enter F if output requests for this printer should be output locally on the user's PC or workstation.

Enter I if this device is an archiving device.

Enter L if the spool server is running on a UNIX system and output requests for this printer are to be transferred to the local host spooler.
If print formatting is running on another system, choose from the following:

Enter U if the formatting process is to transfer the output data to the remote host system using the Berkeley protocol (BSD).
The formatting process uses this protocol to transfer output data directly to the host spooler on the remote system.

Enter S if the formatting process is to transfer the output data to the remote system (a Microsoft Windows PC) using the SAP protocol.
The formatting process transfers the output data to the SAP output processor (SAPLPD) running on the remote PC.

Enter X if the device is a SAPcomm device.
For more information, see the online documentation.

sanjay khatri 7:30batch
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