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SAP 4.7 RFC Error

by olu
Hi guys i got this error while installing SAP4.7

ERROR 2011-05-29 22:50:58
FRF-00007 Unable to open RFC connection.

ERROR 2011-05-29 22:50:58FRF-00063 RFC logon failed with message: Connect to SAP gateway failedConnect_PM GWHOST=vitserver, GWSERV=sapgw00, ASHOST=vitserver, SYSNR=00
ERROR 2011-05-29 22:50:58
FJS-00012 Error when executing script.

I have followed a post in another forum that says i should

logon to the SAP environment using USER SAP* and password "06071992" then change the DDIC password to whatever i want.
Once done restart the install and continue to the stage where you need to install the DDIC password, enter the changed password and the installation will continue without errors.

I have done this,but am still having the same error as above. Can anybody help me pls.

Thanks in Advance