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TMS Configuration

by sangy
Hi All,
While configuring the TMS in the development server by making it as Domain Controller and adding two more systems Test and Production to that group,i did the following sequence

1.Deleted all the Files from the directory usr/sap/trans/bin from the three systems.

2.Created 9 RFC's overall 3 RFC's for each server.

3.Now configured the TMS in the Domain controller and then added other two systems in the group also configured TMS in the other systems.

4.Now when I check in Overview-->Systems tab in the Domain controller the symbol for the two servers other than domain controller shows Transport Allowed,
Down we can see
.Logged onto Domain Controller
.TMS configuration is inconsistent.
? --> says tp configuration is modified.

5.When i login to the other systems and see the system they are fine.

6.When trying to send the Transport request the request is sent and the request can be imported to the desired systems client.

I wanted to know even after it shows as TMS configuration is inconsistent the entire excersice is working fine.

Can any one help me, why is it so?


by naveedahmed

check file C:\usr\sap\trans\bin\TPPARAM exists.
if not, copy C:\usr\sap\trans\bin\TP\TP_DOMAIN_[SID].PFL to C:\usr\sap\trans\bin\TPPARAM......


naveed ahmed

TMS Configuration

by sangy
Dear Navid,
I started by clearing the /bin from the /usr/sap/trans,and then created the RFC's followed by TMS configuration and also i used the tcode dico to clear the existing TMS configurations,i took care in all the aspects as per your guidence,but was still unable to rectify the problem.The TMS still shows TMS configuration is inconsistent.

Thanks & Regards,
Sangeeth Kumar.

by naveedahmed


On your domain controller, run transaction STMS -> Overview -> Transport Routes. Verify that your route is correctly defined, from DEV to TST and then to PRD (both for SAP layer and Z* layer). If everything is fine, then choose menu item Configuration -> Distribute and activate. If this is not enough, on the TST system, run STMS -> Transport routes. Again, verify that the route is correclty defined. Then choose Configuration -> Adjust with controller...


naveed ahmed...

what is sap & z layer

by shamreddy
hi naveed

I have one question in tms confguration
what is sap layer & Z layer
please tell me.