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Client Admin

by moiz7070
SAP provides three tools for copying data between clients:

> Local client copy between clients in the same R/3 System
> Remote client copy between clients in different R/3 Systems
> Client transport between clients of different R/3 Systems
> Remote client copy and client transport differ according to the way in which data is transferred:
> In a remote client copy, data is transferred directly between the source and target client usingremote function calls (RFCs) through a network connection.
> In a client transport, data is exported to a file at the operating system level. At some future time,the client is imported from the file system to the target system.
> When using the client copy tools, the data you can select to be copied includes: user master data,client-specific Customizing, and application data.
> R/3 Repository objects, such as ABAP programs, are not transported with the above tools.
> Development objects can only be transported using change requests.

> Assign the source client for Customizing data, application data, and user master records.
> Begin the client copy. As copying is a lengthy process, use background processing.
> To ensure data consistency, you may not logon to the target client during a client copy. SAP also recommends that you do not work in the source client during a client copy.
> Note that SAP delivers the software with standard clients 000 and 001. You may not work in client 000, but may use client 001. However, SAP recommends that you begin R/3implementation by creating a new client as a copy of client 000.

> A remote client copy allows you to copy between clients in different R/3 Systems.You can use a remote client copy to, for example, transport client-dependent as well client-independent Customizing data between R/3 Systems.

> remote client copy is easy to use, and does not require file system space on operating system level.

The limitations of a remote client copy are as follows:

> A remote client copy does not create a file at operating system level, so there is no "hard copy" of the client to be copied. Therefore, the same, identical client copy cannot be duplicated at a later date.
> As of 4.6A, cross-client Customizing objects are copied during a remote client copy.
> To be able to transport all data during the client copy, the structures of all copied or transported tables in both systems must be identical. During remote client copy, an automatic Repository consistency check is performed. If inconsistencies are detected, the client copy is terminated and an error message is displayed.

Client Transport: Export Process

> client transport differs from a remote client copy in that it does not use RFC. Like a remote client
> copy, however, a client transport is used to copy data between different R/3 Systems.

> Indicate the target system to which the client will be copied. (The target system must be defined in TMS as part of the transport domain.)
> Begin the client export. As copying is a lengthy process, use scheduled background processing.
> The client export performed in the source system <S-SID>, exports the client data asynchronously by calling the transport program tp at the operating system level. This export process will generate up to 3 data files at operating system level:
> RT< number >; this file contains client-specific data
> RO< number >; this file contains Cross-client data
> RX< number >; this file contains SAPscript texts.

> Log on to the target client and activate post-import processing.

> The client export change requests are not imported when an Import all takes place. Therefore, you must import these requests into the target client using TMS. You must import the data in the following order: first cross-client data, then client- specific data.

> During client transport, a Repository consistency check can be performed by clicking the RFC system check button in Transaction SCC8. If inconsistencies are detected, a list of the ABAP Dictionary tables definitions missing in the target system is generated. This will help your recognize in advance formal problems that may occur during the import of the source data.

> The client copy functionality can now be used with multiple parallel processing, which speeds up the copying process. Other factors that should be taken into consideration to optimize a client copy include the network performance and the database performance.
> The client copy processes are generated at runtime. They are paralle l RFC processes, managed by server groups. You must specify the maximum number of processes you want to use in the client copy program. Parallel processing can only be used when performing a local or remote client copy, it cannot be used for client transports.

> All log files are physically stored in the transport log directory at operating system level. Log files are named CC<number>.<SID> , where <number> is the serial client copy number, and <SID> is the source system ID.
> If copying is unexpectedly terminated, the system uses the name of the table being currently copied to restart the copy process.

> When performing client copy error analysis, check not only the copy log, but also the system log, which tells you whether database problems are responsible for the client copy error. Correct any database problems before restarting the client copy.
> When a client copy run terminates abnormally, the Restart option is proposed by default, which continues the run from the point at which it terminated. If the original run was recent, as indicated by the status line, it is advisable to choose Restart. Alternatively, to start the run from the beginning, choose Restart <-> New start.
> To avoid the problem of insufficient free space in the database, perform a simulation test run or a resource check.
> A simulation test run estimates the space required by reading all records to be copied without updating them in the database.
> A resource check estimates the space required by counting the records to be copied.
> Client copies ignore tables in the local development class $TMP. If you want to copy these tables, modify the development class in the object directory.
> If, when checking the copy log or the system log, you notice problems with user exits delivered by SAP, contact the SAP Hotline.

> Start the deletion of the client, preferably using background processing.
> When you delete a client entry from table T000 with client maintenance (Transaction SCC4), you can no longer log on to the client or update it using change requests.
> The deletion process, however, does not eliminate the data belong to the client. This means the client-dependent data remains in your R/3 System, occupying space in the database. Therefore, to eliminate an R/3 client entirely, that is, to delete both the client and the client-dependent data, use the client delete functionality (Transaction SCC5).
> Deleting a client entry with client maintenance (Transaction SCC4) allows you to temporarily lock the client. The deletion procedure preserves the data for the client but prevents users from logging on to the client or accessing the data belonging to the client. To restore the client and allow logon, recreate the client entry using client maintenance.

> When several R/3 Systems and clients are being implemented, it may be necessary to compare and adjust Customizing settings between different systems and clients. The Compare function enables you to compare and adjust the contents of a table or view in two different clients, using RFC connections.

> Compare clients during a rollout scenario. For example, if subsidiaries wish to adjust their Customizing with respect to the reference Customizing of a master client.
> Compare cross-client Customizing before combining different clients into one R/3 system (in a roll in scenario). For example, if subsidiaries wish to receive Customizing changes from the reference, master client of their parent organization.

> The client option Protection regarding client copy/comparison can be set to prevent a client from being overwritten by the client copy or client compare/adjustment. It can also be set to ensure that sensitive data is not viewable from another client during a client compare.