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What is the use of solution manager, and what we can do with

by riteshdb
Now a days solution manager is mandatory.
1. it is used for generating keys and downloading support packages
2. it is used to document user requirments and preparing senarios what needs to to be adopted using solution manager, where the blue print is the part of solution manager
3. it is used for reporting, solution desk,to manage the change requests and use to monitor entire landcape Central message processing in the SAP Solution Manager:
- Display customer data, problem description, priority, attached documents, Service Level Agreements (SLA)
- Assign processor
- Send messages to the creator and other processors
- Forward message to other processors or support units
- Create documents and URLs
- Attach documents
- Status assignment and monitoring
- Create a worklist with selection conditions *-- Shankar

I have a requirement to install SAP Solution Manager Solution Support Enablement Package (SEP) in our solution manager 4.0. This SEP contains, RBE, TDMS, ...etc.,

I checked for the software download at market place but couldn't find the software package, can anyone help me to download this SEP for windows/oracle.

Look at following: -> Download -> Installations and Upgrades -> Entry by Application Group -> Installations and Upgrades -> SAP Technology Components -> SAP Support Enablement Package - >SAP Support Enabl. Package 1.0

How to configure the service desk on Solution Manger 4.0. I want to cofigure Solution Manger only for service desk I have install Solution Manger 4.0. What is the Step please explain.


There are tutors, PDFs and powerpoints to guide you through the configuration process. *-- Markus

If you have 3 or 4 client systems, must you install SAP solution manager for each one of these systems and manage them independently -or- 2. Can you install One Solution manager, that will manage all 3 these systems in one solution manager -or- 3. Do you install 3 Solution managers for each of the systems, then another one linked to the 3 individual solution managers, which then in turn manages the 3 systems in one.

In any System landscape only one solution manager is installated in one system and it will communicate with the other system using the RFC and collect the report from each and every system through (SDCCN).


Ritesh Bhatia,