Service Desk Configuration[

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Service Desk Configuration[

Post by sangy »

Find the information on the Service Desk Configuration below which gives a clear picture as how the configuration is done and the advantages of we having the Serive Desk.

Using the Service Desk Configuration :

Purpose :
This process allows your internal customers or end or key users to create problem messages directly from a transaction. This enables them to contact your Service Desk easily. Your internal Service Desk can comprise several support units.
The Service Desk processor responsible for the problem can enter symptoms in an internal solution database, and search for solutions. He can also search for SAP notes in the SAP Service Marketplace. If no problem solution is found, the processor can forward the problem message to subsequent support units or to the SAP Support, and monitor the progress of the message in the Service Desk.

Prerequisites :

· You have configured the Service Desk according to the Solution Manager configuration guide.

· You have set-up the criteria by which an incoming support message is assigned to a support unit, e.g. priority, category, region of creator, in the Service Desk customizing. The system assigns the support message to the support unit for its SAP component, by default. See SAP note 616946.

· You have the Service Desk authorizations required for your tasks.

Process Flow :

1. The customer or end or key user creates a support message:

¡ under Help ® Create Support Message in a transaction menu in an SAP system

¡ independently of the SAP system, in a web browser.

For further information about setting-up this function, see Set-Up Message Creation in Web Browser.

¡ directly in the SAP Solution Manager in the Messages tab, or the Service Desk -> Create Message tab for Service Desk staff

2. The system captures the system data for the support message, automatically.

3. The support message arrives in your Service Desk.

a. The system assigns the support message to the appropriate support level automatically, e.g. by SAP component, priority or support message category.

b. The system determines the associated business partners, e.g. customer, key user or support team, automatically.

c. The system creates a service process in the SAP Solution Manager.

d. If the customizing is set appropriately, the system checks whether there are existing contracts for this installation and customer. Such a contract can, for example, contain a Service Level Agreement (SLA), in which the customer has been guaranteed certain services, for example maximum response times.

If a contract is found, choose the relevant contract item, e.g. Support, Consulting or Development.

4. A member of the support unit responsible declares himself to be the processor in the support message.

5. You search for a solution for the problem described by the customer, in the customer’s own solution database.

6. If you find no solution in your customer solution database, search for SAP notes in the SAP Service Marketplace.

If you find a relevent SAP note, assign it to your support message. You can import and test appropriate SAP notes with code corrections directly into your development or test system, with the SAP Note Assistant. After testing, transport the changes into your quality assurance or production system. You can easily discard any unwanted changes with the SAP Note Assistant.

7. If you find no solution in the SAP Service Marketplace, put an internal note in the customer message, detailing the measures which you have so far taken to find a solution, and forward the problem message to the appropriate next support units.

8. If the next support unit can also not solve the problem, put an Information for SAP in the problem message, with any appropriate attachments, and send the problem message to the SAP Support (SAPNet R/3 Frontend).

9. The SAP Support processes the message and sends it back to you with a proposed solution or further question, and an updated status.

You can monitor the status of the support message at any time in your Service Desk.

10. The appropriate members of your internal support organization, e.g. the Customer Competence Centers, test and evaluate the proposed solution.

11. The member of your internal support organization delivers the solution to the person who reported the problem, in one of the existing communication channels.

12. The person who reported the problem tests and confirms the solution.

13. The Service Desk processor closes the message and formulates the solution found, for the internal solution database, if it could be of use to other Service Desk staff.

Best Regards,
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